Diving First Aid for Professional Divers (DFA Pro)
The Diving First Aid for Professional Divers (DFA Pro) course is designed to teach the knowledge and skills needed to provide the range of care that may be required for divers in an occupational dive setting.
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates are considered competent to engage in performing the skills covered in this course without supervision.
Get Started
There are no minimum age or previous certification requirements for these training programs.
What’s Next?
Continue your training by enrolling in a NAUI Rescue Scuba Diver or NAUI Specialty course. If you completed the aforementioned courses you may enroll in NAUI Divemaster course.
The Four Functional Areas of a Neurological Assessment
Oxygen First Aid in Scuba Diving Injuries
• Oxygen and Diving Injuries
• Handling Oxygen Safely
• Oxygen Delivery Systems and Components
• Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
• Starting CPR – Supporting Circulation
• Continuing CPR – Supporting Respiration
• Use of AEDs during CPR
Secondary Care
General Assessments and Medical Emergencies
Temperature Related Injuries
Slips, Falls, Secondary Assessment: Fractures and Splinting